Sorry to be so nosy, but I am a little curious about what parts of the world everyone here lives in because I am interested to know what sort of reception PUG and just wearing repro in general gets in other countries!

I live in Australia but have been living in Moscow, Russia for nearly two months. In Australia I live in Brisbane and I am yet to run into anyone dressed remotely vintage. Most of the time when I go out I get a lot of stares which normally ends up with me dishing out a lot of glares because I hate it when people Normally teenagers can be pretty nasty, but every now and then you do get some sweet person that comes up to chat about what I'm wearing. What is it like where you live, what kind of reactions do you get when you wear vintage/reproduction clothing? Are there others that wear anything similar?

In Russia I have gotten some stares from wearing PUG, but only in the good sense I think! I have noticed that there are quite a few women here usually in their 30s, who wear either real vintage (50s and 60s style) or modern vintage inspired dresses. On one occasion I saw a man in his 40s wearing what looked like completely authentic vintage 1950s/early 60s, dressed for a day at the office. Now keeping in mind that Russia is a developing nation, it could be that his look was completely unintentional and thrifted on account of how poor people are here, but either way he looked fantastic!

So what is it like in your parts of the world? I am really curious to know!

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I live in Reno Nevada, USA. We have a really big vintage car culture, we have one of the biggest classic car shows in the world called Hot August Nights that attracts people from all over the world. We also have a big punk scene and a good sized Rockabilly scene, so there are quite a few people who rock the pinup or greaser style, both men and women. I don't get very many stares but girls come up to talk all the time :) I think a lot of people appreciate the style but wouldn't wear it because it is different and people are scared to stick out.

I live close enough to Reno to visit it often and their festivals are just awesome! I've not been to Hot August Nights but we go to the BBQ, Brews and Blues festival every year...this was our 10th year to attend. Reno has a very diverse community and I have always found it to be welcoming to all cultures and styles.

That is a great thread, Harlow! I am glad you popped it up! I am from Hungary and I have very similar experiences. I receive nothing but stares every day in my dresses. :-D Here women dress absolutely casually, shorts, jeans, tops, etc. Many people from all ages, but especially from 30s-40s and above compliment my dresses in the street and I often get comments like:" It is so good to see someone in these pretty dresses, very rarely can you see women dressed as women in here." So it seems that there is an appreciacion for distinguished dresses, but most women stay on the casual side, maybe for comfort or the lack of courage to stand out from the row... I also have the same experience with some nasty teens (mainly girls) sometimes, like giggling behind me and saying some unpleasant comments and have no idea why they react like this.  Apart from this, I always get a lot of positive feedbacks and stares wherever I go. People are very surprised to see someone in Pinup style at all (especially on daily basis) even in bigger cities! So I doubt I ever run into a fellow PUGster. There are some Rockabilly concerts, though, girs may dress up in the style for 1-2 occasions, but definitely they don't wear vintage-style clothes as their everyday clothes.I was at a rockabilly concert recently as the only one wearing the style...

So glad u responded bc Whenever I see your pics I die over your front yard. SO pretty!! It never occurrd to me to ask, now I know.  Lol.  Wish I could have a yard like that,  I can't keep grass alive :-(

I'm from Australia, and live about 2 hours out from Sydney in a small, quiet, semi-rural town.

Most of the time, when I venture to the local shop for some milk or bread, I'm usually in band shirt and old jeans (I'm such a music freak, and have over 15 band shirts). Although, when I venture outside my little sleepy town, or even if I'm out to lunch with friends, I put on my vintage & vintage-inspired clothes and people do look!

I get smiles, raised eyebrows, occasional compliments, and a few scoffs by the young teen girls who may not have seen a moderately dressed young lady in quite a while. 

I dress so different from all my friends, and they say they wish they had their own 'look' or even the effort to dress so beautifully. Some people I know in my neighbourhood also wear vintage clothes, and squint at me for "taking it too far" because they're usually quirky individuals who dress differently on the clear purpose to be 'artsy' or 'cute'.

I love my PUG lifestyle, it makes me feel so lovely, and I don't wear it for the benefit of prying eyes, I wear it for me, and I'll keep wearing it!

Keep on rocking their socks off, Miss Emma!

Or rather, more importantly, as you pointed out so well: Keep on rocking YOURSELF, wearing what makes you feel that your outsides express your insides. ...What makes you feel good!  You're so right— that's what matters, above all.  I also think it's this sort of viewpoint & those who dress with it in mind (however they happen to dress!) that makes fashion a true art-form, & not just a series of trends.  Good on you!  

I live in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Stockholm is a fairly small town compered to other capitals around the world, we are about 1 million people living here. But still it has a big town mentality.

Swedes are generally a pretty welldressed and fashionconcious people, that said i have never had any negative looks or comments about my look. We also have a pretty big alternative scene here, almost all subcultures represented, i think that people in Stockholm are very used too seeing different styles and seeing a diffrent style that is still welldressed is appreciated in my experience.

Especially in the southen part of Stockholm, the more bohemian area  (where accoring to a survey the people living there are "the most tattooed people in the world dispite some nature tribes", its a very openminded and alternative aera) you get really appreciated looks for standing out a bit. On a day in the southen part of town i can easily spot several girls dressed in retro or vintage :) Well that is during the summerdays. Then comes the long, dark, cold and horrible winter where we all hide under big and warm jackets and coats and everyone looks alike. Summer is really the time to shine and show of your style overhere.

Oh gosh yes! the PJ pants outside of the house needs to stop! thank you for bringing that up. And please no more flip flops with socks. Or PJ shorts with UGG boots! O and I live in a small town in northern California :)

You are fabulous and you are a darling. I was born in Detroit, Michigan where you could be anything if you had the courage. When I was twenty I moved to Chicago, Illinois where I found that there was/is a very large culture for the vintage. I do miss them so *hearts* I now live in New Orleans, Louisiana where I am known as "the rockabilly girl" since there are no others. Most of the time when I go out here or visit my bestfriend in Denver, Colorado or the airport in most cities I get looks. The last time I was flying a very fabulous older woman dressed wonderfully said to me as I passed her as I walked to my seat on the airplane,"That is so refreshing. Another person who has taking the time to appreciate going out in public." She may never know it but her comment versus the 39874 I get negative will be with me forever. Again, you are fabulous :)

She made my year truly!

i think that's a beautiful way of putting it. (sigh, i used to be one of THOSE girls who did not take the time; thankfully, that's over!)

its so funny, most of the people who say something are older women who make comments like "its so nice to see a young woman dressed so nicely/classy/put together etc".  They like it because it reminds them of their youth when people actually cared about their appearence and respected each other enough to make an effort.  I think that is a big part of the lazy, sloppy, slutty way that most young girls/women dress, they either don't care or they are after a certain kind of attention, or they think that its "empowering".  Most men would prefer a girl to dress more conservatively, than a girl that has everything hanging out for the world to see.  Well they may prefer the latter if they only want a one night stand, but for the one they want to bring home or spend a lot of time on, they want classy. 




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