I don't know how to start this discussion honestly. I'm always curious when I look through all your photos and read your bios. No one really talks about what they do for a living. I guess I wonder this because I work such an obscure job that I always imagine all the PUG enthusiasts are well known celebrities, or powerful business women because you are all so beautiful. 

I work in the offshore oilfield, 6 months a year I'm offshore on a barge or a boat and usually there aren't many girls. I wear steel toe boots, a hardhat, and pants. I never wear makeup and my hair is always in a ponytail. The other 6 months out of my year, I'm usually in a dress with full makeup and my hair done. 

So I guess what I'm asking is what do you guys do for a living? 

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IT/Geek girls FTW!

At the moment, I'm a jobless student in Australia, desperate for a job anywhere. But in 3 years time I'll be a high school science teacher.

Science is my passion and I want to teach everyone to follow their science dreams, and I want the students to love science as much as I do! It's really not that difficult if you get taught correctly!

I'm slowly trying to transform my whole wardrobe before I complete my degree. It's hard sometimes trying to get beautiful shoes to match vintage dresses that are fully enclosed so I can wear in the lab. But I'm trying. Earlier this year, I went out and taught in a school for 4 weeks, and since it was winter, it was hard to go all out vintage style. But often my students were asking me about my clothes and where I got them, and what they should wear. So hopefully I can teach girls about sensible fashion, as well as science x

I am a corporate trainer for a VERY conservative government agency. We have to wear married suits (top and bottom must go together) almost every day! I've been into PUG/Rockabilly style since the 80s, and since I just turned 45, I started feeling very frumpy and decided to dress a little bit more unique at work - after all, I'm already a manager and pretty far along in my career. I wear tasteful pencil skirts and cardigan sets, nothing wild, but it does get some attention.

I think when you are in a position where you teach others, either in education or management, you want to be careful that your look doesn't distract from what you are trying to say, or detract from your credibility. It's harsh, but it's the way most places are (especially conservative ones). I'm okay with it - I'm just grateful for a good job and I make a lot of money so I can rock my PUG clothes on the weekend!

I always wondered what jobs the women of PUG have! I love the diversity of jobs! I am a full-time mom, a part time student, and a full time wife! Im going to school either for a nursing degree or a degree in child development! I wanna open my own daycare! I never wanted to have kids, but I did! I have a 2 year old toddler running around, driving me crazy! :) It's amazing how a little person can love you so much! She gives me the power, the drive, the strength that I need to be successful in life! She has taught me a lot about my self; I never knew how much I love kids! That's why if I peruse a degree in child development, I wanna open a daycare/school! I wanna jump with them, teach them things, let them be wild with their imagination! And of course I always wanna be with my daughter! We shall see where my career goes!
Also, I try to always wear my PUG! It is difficult bc my daughter likes to pull my shirts down, and scream boobies! I love LB high waisted shorts, and the high waisted pants! Those are perfect for chasing my kid around!

Lol, the boobies made me laugh! My son would constantly pull my shirt down and lift it up to see them (and he wasn't breastfed... but he was born a ladies man, flirting with the nurses when he was born). Thanks for sharing! We need more people like you excited about teaching and caring for children! I know I could not have been the single parent I was without the help of his daycare!

THANK YOU!! I know if I had had a different teacher, I may have done better in both math and science, but when I went to school, it wasn't emphasized for girls as much as it was for boys. I was turned more into the arts & humanities, which I love & excel at (don't get me wrong), but I have learned that there are aspects of science that I enjoy very much. THANK YOU for looking to be a role model for little girls in a field that is male dominated (as well as being a fashion influence for them!)!!! And hang in there on the job front - I've been there and totally get where you're at (it took little white lies on my resume to get a job way below my qualifications, but it works... and will be the best job for me when I go to finish my doctorate.).

Get into sleep medicine. You're guaranteed a job, because there are very few of us, some of the best labs for sleep are in Australia, and it's an international career. It's also really, really interesting. But you do have to do nights. (but they are a doddle - the patients are asleep....)

I am currently an at home mom to 3 month old twin boys! But before that I was an assistant pastry chef here in anchorage Alaska at a cake decorating bakery. I have my associates degree in baking and pastries and have been in the food business since 2007. Working the long hours that I did it was hard to dress up on a daily basis but I always at least has my hair in a quick cute pin up style and would always have my make up on. But of course the heat of the oven and stoves would melt my mascara and deflate the curl. And more often than not had batter or flour on my clothes of apron by the end of the day. Now that I am at home with twins dressing up has gotten harder but I hope to lose the baby weight soon and get back to my pin up styling!

Well, I guess that depends on how you define the term "do for a living", lol! If you mean how do I earn money, I don't. I've been lucky enough to be an at-home mom for 12 years now (yikes!) and have 3 kids - 12, 5 1/2, and 3. If you mean how did I earn money in my pre-children existence, I have an MA in French Literature and taught high school French for 2 years. I'd love to do something that allows me to use my language skills, though. My other love is sewing, and if I could make money that way, I would.

Because I spend a great deal of time running around after my youngest, it's often hard to stay in a dress and heels all day. I do my best, though, since it makes my husband happy. Most of my PUG clothing is for warmer weather, and they get worn in the summer. However, I live in the PNW right now, so if it isn't warm it's difficult to wear them. And I have a hard time justifying wearing something as nice as my PUG clothing if it's going to get a messy face wiped on it. :) I don't usually have time to do a full face every day but I wish I did.

Hi there!

Well I am living two separate lives in a way.  I've been fronting my own rockabilly/country band for about 7 years.  We are called Pearls Mahone & The OneEyed Jacks (and I'd love it if you would all LIKE our fb page:  Pearls Mahone Band FB Page)

Anywho, I get to travel---meet lots of people---play music I love---and spend a lot of my hard earned money to do it!

Thankfully, I have a day job that isn't a drag and helps me afford my band lifestyle.  I'm an elementary and middle school  MUSIC teacher.  I've been laid off of jobs for the past few years and I'm hoping to stick in a district so I dont have to worry about my job security.  This year I'm not going to apologize for who I am and my style.  I have tattoos and bright red hair---but I dress conservatively w/ a flair for school.  I cover my tattoos but sometimes they peek out.  The kids think it's different to see a teacher looking so uniquely.  But I teach them that diversity is good, creativity is good, and we should be who are we.  I have my BA in Music Education & Vocal Performance (jazz,opera,classical) and a MA in Educational Administration.

Thanks to everyone who has shared.  Also, if I wasn't so tied to music---I'd be a Marine Biologist too!

I could not have gotten through high school without being a band geek! I loved (and still do) music and played 5 instruments (apparently, my ambisure (sp?) was very flexible - I went from flute/piccolo to susaphone (the tubas) for marching season to oboe and bassoon (still with flute/piccolo) in concert season. I loved to write music, but unfortunately, our director only had musical dreams for certain bandmembers (I wasn't one of them). I started out as a Music/English double major in college, but stopped music when I could not get the math required for composition (REALLY couldn't get it) and it was ruining my appreciation for music. I still want to learn how to play the piano, cello and drums. They are on my bucket list. Have fun teaching the band geeks - speaking from experience, these kids are the ones who are usually on the bully list and need great role models (regardless of what they look like!) to look up to! I hope you find a great school to work for with some job security (and if you're looking out here on the WC, let me know - my alma mater is in desperate need of musical help; they totally suck right now! It's painful to watch at the football games... *sigh*). x0x0




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