Greetings Gorgeous Gals!

First off, welcome to all of our new members. This group is really starting to grow, how exciting is that? Most of the members seem to be located in and around the Los Angeles area, which means we must meet up.

Once the group reaches 100+ members, I would love to finally set up a meet up event.I would love to include a day of shopping at PUG then heading over to a nearby spot for drinks and food. Does this sound like something you ladies would be interested in? Do you have other meet up ideas?
If so, please voice your opinions.

Personally, I am up for anything. I love to shop, eat, mingle, and sip on delicious drinks. :)

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Jenn, The Bahooka is at 4510 Rosemead Blvd in Rosemead. It is a few blocks north of Valley. And if you are OK with it, I could give you a ride.

So far there seem to be mostly "maybes". But it seems like Saturday is the preferable night. So let us aim for Saturday the 20th.

And to quote from a song "It doesn't matter what you wear just as long as you are there" Tiki, PUG, vintage, pj's, anything will work

Waaaaaaaaait a second! No PJs. Heh heh heh

Anyway, I have a Tiki-like dress since Tiki is not my exact style, but I like it on others. Hope the weather will stay warm.

I could pick Jenn up or drop her off. One or the other, we could figure it out I think.

To me 2 is a crowd, Aoife. I think I'm making it. Will ask my master tonight if he is OK with it. {gotta do my courtesy "ask" in case he was planning something and didn't tell me yet.}


OK, maybe no pajamas! And probably no belly dance outfits, otherwise you might have some very jealous PUG sisters that night. But in all seriousness, what you wear is entirely up to you. I have bought some Polynesian dresses recently at thrift stores. But I might just opt for one of my more standard issue retro look dresses. I have got to look my best around the rest of you given that you all have a great big advantage over me.

From the website of Bahooka. thi place is so awesomely decorated that it made me wear something Tiki. Well, maybe not this first one, but if we all chose a theme, like Stepford wives, Tiki, military bombshell, Femme Fatale, etc, and all of us dressed according to the theme and went out altogether, how kick-ass would we be???????????

I love dress up. This town I live at is so boring an kinda conservative that I can't be too expressive. But LA is so accepting. Anything goes. And especially anything and everything goes in LA when you are with friends. I would love to do themed meet-ups in the future!!!!!!

Themed sounds like tons of fun, just with enough time to properly get ready for it! And I have an -inspired Hawaiian print dress, so I think I'll fit in close enough.

A ride sounds great ladies... like I mentioned, the week before is when I'll know for sure (our schedules are supposed to be posted the Wednesday before, but as this is retail, there are many MANY MANY times where I don't get my schedule until the Saturday night - when the schedule starts Sunday morning! Trust me, planning anything with this is a pain in the ass, but I will let ya'll know!!!)

Yay! So excited!

Wow!!!! Great! There is now this discussion to track better who's coming, so we get a head count in case we need to make a rezzy.

Today I went into the Bahooka to make a reservation. I made it for 10 people even though right now only 3 of us are for sure. The resrvation is under the name "PUGster". 

I am not sure where Christina has been. I wrote her a couple of weeks ago wondering if the meet up for Friday the 30th is still on. I've not gotten a reply. I hope that everything is OK with Christina. But I was wondering if anyone was still up for some type of meet up that night? Maybe just shopping at the PUG store and then go to someplace for drinks or food. In fact I am not totally sure if I will be available. But if others are interested I will make every effort to get there.

Agueda, thanks for being interested. Given all the considerations I think we will just postpone it for the future.

I was going to suggest what Aoife said that we keep it simple. Just look around a bit, then sit down for a bit.

Though, I got some winter blues and not wanting to leave the house much. At leas ttill the 7th anyway, that's when we'e going to se Megadeth if anyone else is going to be there...

Anyway, looks like our end of Nov meet-up is pretty much trashed.

Hope we can all meet next year.

Howdy ladies,


First off, let me apologize for vanishing act. 

 I feel soooo bad about vanishing and not being able to reply to any of you ladies. I was on vacation for a little over week over Halloween week, then while I was on vacation, my hubby and I got word that we got the apartment we wanted. So, needless to say, we ended up packing up the moment we got back from vacation. The move lasted about three weeks because we had so much crap and we had to repaint the walls of our place. During this time, I had no internet at all, except for while at work. Did I mention that I nearly lost my job? During my vacation, I got word that downsizing was happening. When I came back from vacation, the bosses were still deciding about how to effectively downsize (lucky for me). Luckily, the downsizing did not happen, instead we cut our budget and got rid of unnecessary extras. Downsizing will be revisited in March, so we'll see what happens then.

Anyway, I am fine, still employed, and finally finished moving the last bit of our stuff last week. I am now in Long Beach, we were living in the Sierra Madre area previously. I am so sorry I was not able to touch base with anyone, I feel awful. I should have logged onto this group while at work, but because of nearly losing my job because of downsizing, logging onto any social media was the last thing on my mind. 

I have not purchased any new PUG and I missed the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. :( Also, our home internet was installed two days ago (YAY), so I will be back to business again. I want to thank Aoife for checking in on me, you are such a doll. 

Thank you for your understanding.


I did not go anywhere either, well except to dinner at my favorite Lebanese restaurant. Then it was to home to watch various DVDs and videos.

I will now say in public what I wrote to you personally Christina. I was worried about you but I am glad that all is well. And I do hope that we can get something together in the not too distant future.

As for seeing live music, on Tuesday night I will be seeing my all time favorite performer, Bruce Springsteen. And I will also be going to the Don Tiki show! I don't know if seeing the LA Philharmonic tonight is interesting to any  of the rest of you but I am excited to be seeing Esa Pekka Salonen again tonight. And Auburn, thanks for telling me about the Blasters show for Phil. I have always loved those boys from Downey and I have been wondering what was up since Phil got sick while in Europe. If at all possible, I am going to try to go to the show.

Oh, one more thing, I tried to friend Agueda to let her know that I would not be going last night. Hopefully she read this thread. I am sorry my dear!



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